1.1.7. Skill-Details: Linguistic


Sprachen lernt man einzeln und Hören/Sprechen von Lesen/Schreiben getrennt. Wie unten beschrieben sind Dialekte meist mehr oder weniger mit eingeschlossen, wir können da auch unser 'Simular-System' Anwenden und bei Bedarf die Ähnlichkeit und damit den Level jeweils festlegen.

Sprachen haben keinen Bonus und ihr Rank ist auf 0-10 beschränkt.

Die Original Tabelle um normale Lernzeiten ergänzt:

RankConversationalReading/WritingLearning Time
1Allows recognition of language when spoken.Allows recognition of the language in written form10 min. to 1 hour
2Allows user to communicate and understand very basic concepts in the form of single words or very short phrases (e.g. eat, danger, room, money, cost, enemy, bathroom, pain)Allows user to read or write very simple phrases and words and possibly understand the context of very simple passages.1 hour to 1 day
3User can distinguish between major dialects. Allows user to communicate moderately basi concepts in the form of phrases. User can get the tone/context of the language when spoken at a normal rate, but no more. He can, however, understand basic phrases spoken at a slow pace.User can get an overview of simple writings, but will have trouble with specific details. Allows user to write very short sentences of a moderately simple nature (normal level of people from the countryside)1 day to 1 week.
4User may converse on very simple subjects, using whole sentences instead of broken phrases. User can understand every day conversation when spoken slowly.User can read moderately simple writings and understand most of the details. User still has trouble with subtle concepts. Basically, newspaper level reading ability. (Normal level of citizens)1 week to 1 month
5Allows user to converse freely in everyday conversation of an average nature (e.g. market talk, peasant discussion, conversations with guards). Rapid and/or sophisticated speech is still troublesome.Allows reading of most everyday writing and normal books.1-3 month
6Normal speaking level of native population, the common man. Subtle or particularly sophisticated concepts still prove troublesome. User cannot understand dialects or archaic speech out of the norm. User can converse freely on the same level.Reading level of the average literate man.3-9 month
7True fluency. Allows understanding of and conversation with, the most learned of native speakers. Sophisticated folk may still brand you as an “outlander” however, and archaic or unusual concepts will still prove troublesome.Reading ability is that of average member of nobility.1-5 years
8Fluency plus the ability to recognize the regional and cultural origin of all speech (although such speech will still prove troublesome to speak or understand).College writing level of an average nature. Allows one to read relatively complex material and recognize (but not fully understand) the nature of archaic or unusual dialects and concepts1-5 years
9Absolute fluency in chosen dialect plus simple understanding and speaking ability in closely related dialects.Allows one to write very complex passages, even technical (or magical) books and read the same, but only in the chosen dialect. Allows moderate translation of closely related dialects, and simple writing ability in such areas1-5 years
10Absolute fluency of all the chosen languages and all closely related dialects. Extremely archaic and complex concepts may prove troublesome.Allows reading and writing of the most complex nature in the chosen language, as well as strong reading/writing ability in closely related dialects.1-5 years